Saturday, March 29

With Much Regret

I have spoken with many of my fellow Citizens on this decision, and I believe it is my best option.

Dr. Figaro has been offworld for months due to First Life difficulties. I pray she overcomes them and finds herself in a state of wellness and happiness. Through generous donations I have been able to sustain the Hospital without her contributions as Co-Owner. But I shouldl not be forever dependent on contributions. It has reached the point where I must choose between managing the Hospital or maintaining my home in Steelhead.

I will not be renewing my lease on the Bloodwing Foundation.

I assume I will be ineligible to keep my Council seat as a non-landowner. I accept this. My Hippocratic Oath must come before my duties as a statesman. Saving the Grid from aliens and demons on a regular basis comes as a close second.

The Gygax will return from its mission to orbit over another parcel. The Founation structure is Lumina's build. What comes of it is between her and the Council. I think it would make an excellent museum...visitors keep mistaking it for one.

Since the Hospital is paid in my name, I see no reason why I shouldn't take up residence in the top floor with my son Ash. Qli-2 has two firestations where she can recharge I'm told. Koen's always taken care of himself rather well. Qli-3 can manage affairs herself in the Dark Future.

The Steelhead Clinic is a branch of the CRC. If the management wishes to keep it I will still help my fellow Steelheaders there.

I wish Steelhead the greatest success as always, especially in its expansion. I am proud to have supported it along the way in the many roles I have played.

~Dr. Mason


Bloodwing said...

Doctor? You said I was going to stay with the Baron? I do not think that room is big enough for two of us and I do not need any more stitches.

TotalLunar Eclipse said...

I do wish you the greatest of luck for your future endeavors. Fair winds Master of Puppets.

*bow's and resumes his work