Friday, October 10

Sukkot Party Rescheduled for Monday 7SLT

My neighbor Mr. Nix Sands has offered his undeveloped field next to the Hospital for building the sukkah.

[How can I look my friends and family in the eye after what happened? It's all my fault. I know Koen will be back, but will he forgive me again? And Gem...I don't know where to start...]

Steelhead is expanding again with a new port, perfect for Sparks. Contact TotalLunar Eclipse for pre-booking. As much as I'd love to have a home in Steelhead again, finances prevent me...

[The situation in the City has become untenable, even for the innocents. There are enough train tickets in this envelope for all your Urchin friends, Master Oahu. They will be safe in long as they stay clear of the Mansion.]

The training of my new apprentice has begun. There's even more...remedial training than with Koen, but the Bloodline is there...

[Dare I try again to train what is wild at heart?]

Baron Wulfenbach has creating a bulletin board on Ning for the Emigres of Europa. Plase contact him for details.

1 comment:

Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Ach, and I arrived exactly on time. Frau Lowey also attempted to attend; we left a few things to hopefully get you started tomorrow.

The Ning is not quite ready yet - I am waiting on feedback from senior staff before announcing it to our little Europan population here.