Tuesday, July 24

That Demon has more lives than a neko..

[11:00] latourangelle Sperber: Darien , Jfound the skin clown nija male ,thank you for this gift

NOW things get interesting.

Madame Bloodwing, I presume?

~Dr. Mason


Amber_Palowakski said...

So it would appear. Sorry I was asleep (even though I appeared to be online), when you sent me the piccie of Bloodwing's newest form!

HeadBurro Antfarm said...

So... the demon lives on? What does this mean for Caledon's citizens I wonder?

itsdavidvc said...

I was usually able to steer Bloodwing away from Caledon except for the raves. (Caledon never had those sorts of permanent, questionable institutions that attract Passion Spirits.)

He was always more of an institution in Steelhead, which he always saw as his territory since his brother Steelwolf was Mayor. In fact he was Deputy and then Sheriff of Steelhead before he had a falling out with his brother, then was promoted to Marshal in the Tombstone AZ sim for a short while before he realized the management was crazier than he was.

Emilly Orr said...

Well, and there was the getting shot all the time...enough lead to tax even a demon's endurance, and I can't count the number of vests I mended while wishing Tombstone had access to Kevlar...